is accredited by the HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC). All the pay calculations fully comply with the HMRC's Quality Standard. It has been put through 1000 different accuracy and e-filing tests set by HMRC and passed them all without a single penny deviation.
• Payroll via Internet: The package is fully Internet based. You can process your payroll from your home, your office, or even if you are abroad, as long as you have an Internet connection.
• Employee Payroll Accounts: This gives your employees individual accounts to log in and view/print their own current and past (up to 3 years) payslips, P60, and P11D at any time, and update their own personal contact details, etc.
• Auto-Tax Code Updates: Any tax code changes from P6 or P9 notices can be automatically updated with a press of a button. Our DPS system links to the HMRC server and allows you to update your data automatically. This will save you data entry time and effort and cut data entry errors.
• E-filing of EOY P14, P35 and In Year P45 and P46: The system has an inbuilt user friendly auto e-filing system. Once you have approved the data in the respective documents, with just one click your documents will be e-filed to the HMRC.
• Auto consolidation of Monthly/Quarterly P32 Returns to the HMRC: The PAYE amount an employer needs to pay to the HMRC each month or each quarter is automatically and dynamically consolidated. This amount is usually reflected in your P32. You can view the P32 at any time. The amount payable to the HMRC is also linked to the optional ePayment facility. Should any employee's pay details be amended our relational database management system will dynamically update the latest P32 data.
• Auto compiling of End of Year (EOY) P14 and P35 Returns: With just a click on a button your EOY P14 and P35 reports and all your final year end details will appear. The powerful relational database management system we have in the system will compile the whole year's data and show it to you. You can make a final check of the final data before you press on a few more buttons to e-file it.
• Auto Comprehensive P11 Reports and Pay Summary: Once your payroll is processed your pay figures will automatically be posted to the respective individual employee's P11, as well as the Pay Summary section. With just one click you can view a break down of the employee's earning details and Year to Date values.
• Data Exports: Key data, such as cost to the employer etc, have been converted into CSV and XML files ready for you to export.
Note: We are able to automate the above mentioned reports because we are using a powerful relational database management system usually used in mainframe computer systems. You are paying only a fraction of the cost for a powerful system.
Other features include:-