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RTI (Real Time Information) E-Filing

eFileReady provides user friendly, comprehensive and cost effective RTI eReturns to HMRC. The system will cover all RTI eReturns and eReceipts you need, regardless of whether you use EDI or XML channels for your data interchange with HMRC. You can use our system for LIVE testing against HMRC's RTI Live server at any time.

Our system is not only the first to gain HMRC recognition, it has also been successfully used by members. More details about our system are as follows.


1. System Compatibility

SAP, Oracle, bespoke and other software package users have been successfully using our system for their various eReturns to the HMRC. The system is platform independent, cloud-based, and will be compatible with any system and any version of HR and Payroll you use.

The file formats the system supports for RTI eReturns to HMRC are:
CSV         GFF         XML

2. The Range of RTI eReturns / eReceipts Supported

We support the full range of RTI Data eReturns and eReceipts, plus other additional services.
Complete range of RTI eReturns included are
• FPS, Full Payment Submission
• EPS, Employer Payment Summary
• NVR, NINo Verification Request
• EYU, Earlier Year Updates
• BACS files embedded with a 4 Character String which will work with your BACS system
• The FPS file will be embedded with a Hash Code in conjunction with HMRC's algorithm
• P11D
• P46 Car

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Complete range of RTI Data eReceipts (DPS) included are
• P6, P9, SL1, SL2, NINO Notices.
• EDI and XML channels are supported.

RTI Additional Services
• Produces Leaver P45 Data / PDFs for printing out
• Produces Year End P60 Data / PDFs on Completion of Final FPS
• e-Payslips.
• Supports daily, weekly, monthly, annual and anytime etc, pay run data
• Compatibility with your system is assured as it is 100% browser-based
• Many users have used the system successfully. It is very stable and reliable.

3a. How does e-filing of Returns Work?

You may e-file your FPS, EPS, EYU and NVR returns with the specialist eReturn system using a CSV file, a GFF file or an XML file. However, different file formats require different preparation. This section explains what may be involved when using different file formats for your returns.

3.1 - CSV File Format Approach

The steps involved to e-file your RTI returns using a CSV file are as follows:

Step 1: Download the template Excel spreadsheet for the respective return you wish to make from or obtain it from our BACS partner CD.

Step 2: Based on the template's specified data requirements you need to derive the data from the payroll system you use and place the data onto the template spreadsheet. The specifications for the data are given in the instructions which you can also download from our website or obtain from our BACS partner CD.

Step 3: Check the Excel Spreadsheet containing all your data is in accordance with the instructions we specified. Our specifications are based on HMRC's Schema specification as well as BACS Standards.

Step 4: Convert the Excel Spreadsheet into a CSV file.

Step 5: Upload the CSV file to Server

Step 6: Make a final check on the uploaded RTI data and approve the data, or remove the data if your data contains errors and then repeat the uploading process when you are happy with the data.

Step 7: Click on the E-file button. Wait a few minutes and then you will be able to download the E-filed Success Certificate, which contains the HMRC Timestamp and HMRC IR MARK.

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3.2 - GFF file Approach

The steps involved in e-filing your RTI eReturns using a GFF file are more simple. A GFF file will come from a payroll package with EDI system inbuilt. An EDI payroll must produce the GFF file fully in compliance with HMRC specifications.

Step 1: After the payrun is completed you save the GFF file in your system

Step 2: Sign in to the server and upload your GFF file

Step 3: Make a final check on the uploaded RTI data and approve the data, or remove the data if your data contains errors and then repeat the uploading process when you are happy with the data.

Step 4: Click on the E-file button. Wait a few minutes and then you will be able to download the E-filed Success Certificate, which contains the HMRC Timestamp and HMRC IR MARK.

3.3 - XML file Approach

The steps involved in e-filing your RTI eReturns through XML file are similar to the GFF file approach.. A XML file will come from a payroll package with the capability of producing the XML output inbuilt. The XML file in question must be fully in compliance with HMRC's various RTI required data specifications.

Step 1: After completing the pay run you can produce the XML file in your system

Step 2: Sign in to the server and upload your XML file

Step 3: Make a final check on the uploaded RTI data and approve it, or remove the data if your data contains errors and then repeat the uploading process when you are happy with the data.

Step 4: Click on the E-file button. Wait a few minutes and then you will be able to download the E-filed Success Certificate, which contains the HMRC Timestamp and HMRC IR MARK.

a. BACS Random Strings and FPS Hash Codes:
For GFF or XML files your system must already have produced the BACS Random String and Hash Code concerned and we will not duplicate what you already have. However, for the CSV file approach we will help to generate the BACS Random Strings in conjunction with the FPS file Hash Codes.

b. Should the data in your file not comply with the HMRC specifications you will be notified instantly when the file is being uploaded to our system. We validate your data on the fly, in a similar way to the HMRC server.

3b. How Does RTI eReceipts Work? will automatically unload all these notices for you into the eFileReady server for you to view. We will also convert the above mentioned files into CSV and GFF formats.

You can download the P6, P9, SL1, SL2 and NINO notices in a CSV or GFF format and then upload them to your payroll system for auto-tax code updates. However, to achieve auto-tax code or NINO updates you need to ask your software engineer to help you to map the data directly into your database


Under RTI HMRC will send you various notices through its Data Provisioning Service (DPS). These notices include

P6         P9         SL1         SL2         NINO

4. RTI eReturns - What and When to E-File

What and when you need to e-file is illustrated sequentially below. The data required for different returns will be provided in various spreadsheet templates which can be downloaded from or obtained from our BACS partners CD software. The instructions defining all the data specifications for each template can also be downloaded. All defined data specifications are based on HMRC's Quality Standards and HMRC RTI Schema, as well as BACS Data Standards.
The RTI forms you need to e-file to HMRC are as follows


4.1. Full Payment Submission (FPS)

All employers regardless of the number of employees you have.
The FPS tells HMRC who is in your company payroll and what payments you have made to the employees concerned.

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BACS File with 4 Character Random String
Under the amended regulation, any employees paid by BACS must be included in the BACS file which consists of a 4 character Random String correlating to the Hash Code embedded in the FPS file.
Our system will generate the BACS file automatically, with the correct algorithm specified by HMRC i.e. the 4 character Random String embedded into the BACs file and the corresponding Hash Code in the FPS file. The BACS file output we generate will work with the BACS system you use, as this has been tested with various BACS providers. The BACS file output is in a BACS Standard 18 format, as well as in some tailor made BACS standards. Whichever it is, they all have the correct Random Strings and correlate to the Hash Codes we generate in the FPS file.
For EDI systems we will take your data as given along with the Hash Code, if provided, for the eReturn.

Unique Service
Our system can help to consolidate your data from different locations and/or from different pay frequencies and e-file your FPS data in accordance with the HMRC requirements. We have solved the "Split" e-filing or "Part Submission" problems for all.

4.2. Employer Payment Summary (EPS)

EPS is a monthly return which allows the employer to recover statutory payments (SSP and SMP etc), CIS Deductions suffered or NIC Holidays, from HMRC. If you do not have any SSP, SMP, CIS suffered or NIC holiday to reclaim from HMRC you DO NOT NEED to e-file the EPS. Small companies may use the EPS to notify HMRC of dormant periods. For a typical Pension Provider, there may be exemption from e-filing the EPS. The process you need to make for this return is the same as before i.e. download the template from, fill it in and upload it back to the eFileReady server for e-filing.

4.3. Earlier Year Update (EYU)

This submission is used to correct errors made in a previous tax year. Errors made in the current tax year are corrected in the payroll system and then reported via either an amending FPS, or the next normal FPS.

The EYU is only used when an error on the FPS is noticed on or after 20 April in the following tax year. The EYU shows only the amendments to be made to the relevant year-to-date figures for an employee.

4.4. NINO Verification Request (NVR)

We can also help you do auto tax code updates from your P6 and P9. This system is proven and has been used successfully by many very large employers since 2006. will Automatically fetch your tax codes from the HMRC server, then convert them to a CSV or GFF format for you to upload to your server to conduct the auto tax code updates. This is done under the HMRC DPS system. The system supports the data of up to 250,000 employees..

5. RTI eReceipts - What and When to Have

The system will also automatically download to your account all HMRC notifications, such as P6, P9, NINO, SL1 and SL2, etc, so that you can then use the notifications to conduct auto-tax code and/or NINO updates.

Complete range of RTI Data eReceipts (DPS) included are

- P6, P9, SL1, SL2, NINO Notices
- EDI and XML channels are supported

Auto Tax Code Updates
Once you sign up to our service we can help you do the auto tax code updates of your P6 or P9. This system is proven and has been used successfully by many very large employers since 2006. Our System will automatically fetch your tax codes, then convert them to a CSV or GFF format for you to upload to your server to conduct the auto tax code updates. This is done under the HMRC DPS system. The system supports the data of up to 250,000 employees.


Security takes security issues seriously and we are ISO 27001 accredited. We have been providing specialist e-filing services to leading UK companies, many of which are household names, for the last 6 years.

6. Pricing

It is a "Pay As You Use" system. You only need to pay for what you use. This can help to avoid the common pitfall of wasting money in acquiring a piece of unsuitable software that you never use.

It is a pay per use system. We will invoice you monthly based on the actual amount you use

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7. Guarantee of Success

Since the inception of eReturns eight years ago we have served many household name companies in the UK for various eReturn services to the HMRC and Companies House. None of our clients have encountered a failure in e-filing their Returns or receiving their data e.g. P6 and P9 etc, from HMRC's DPS. We are the very first RTI eReturn system to have gained HMRC RTI recognition and the system also has been used by many members successfully. We can give a guarantee that your RTI eReturns and eReceipts will be just as successfull.