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There are no hidden costs. Support is inclusive in the price. Free unlimited additional users.

( 1 ) CIS 300 Monthly Returns *

(All CIS 300 returns are calculated based on the eReturns filed on a monthly basis)

No. of Subcontractors 1 to 500 501 to 1000 1001 to 1500 1500 and above
Price per subcontractor £ 2.30 £ 1.20 £ 0.80 £ 0.40
NIL Return £ 20.00  (per return)
Subcontractor Verification Requests FREE
One off non-recurring set up cost £ 1.00 (per subcontractor)
( Up to a Maximum of £ 500, depending on the number
of subcontractors you e-File in the first month )
Minimum Charge £ 70.00 (per month regardless of usage)

Price example 1

Assuming in your monthly CIS 300 returns you have e-Filed for a total of 60 subcontractors.

First layer : 60 x £ 2.30 = £ 138
Total monthly charge would be £ 138

Price example 2

Assuming in your monthly CIS 300 returns you have e-Filed for a total of 2,500 subcontractors.

First layer : 500 x £ 2.30 = £ 1,150
Second layer : 500 x £ 1.20 = £ 600
Third layer : 500 x £ 0.80 = £ 400
Fourth layer : 1000 x £ 0.40 = £ 400
Total monthly charge would be £ 2,550

Monthly invoices would be produced based on the number of subcontractors e-Filed on a Tax Month basis, using the Illustrated scale.
All prices shown exclude VAT.

( 2 ) FPS (Full Payment Submission) eReturn + + ( Tax Year 2021-22 )

(All RTI Charges are calculated based on the eReturns filed on a Tax Month basis)

  First 1000 Employees 1001 – 10,000 Employees Over 10,000 Employees
Monthly Payrun FPS eReturn 35p 12p 6p
Weekly Payrun FPS eReturn 10p 6p 1p
2 Weekly Payrun FPS eReturn 18p 8p 3p
4 Weekly Payrun FPS eReturn 35p 12p 6p
Quarterly Payrun FPS eReturn 150p 40p 20p
Bi-Annually Payrun FPS eReturn 200p 60p 45p
Annually Payrun FPS eReturn 300p 90p 60p

Price example 1:

Assuming in a particular month you have the following usage:

500 – Employee Monthly Payrun FPS eReturns

5 – Employee P6 DPS Notice Downloads

1 – Employer Payment Submission (EPS)

The total monthly on going e-Filing cost would be:

FPS eReturn (Monthly) 1st layer : 500 x £ 0.35 = £ 175.00
P6 DPS Download : 5 x £ 0.01 = £ 0.05
EPS eReturn : 1 x £ 2.00 = £ 2.00
Total Cost for that month would be   £ 177.05
Price example 2:

Assuming in a particular month you have the following usage:

2400 – Employee Monthly Payrun FPS eReturns

1500 – Employee Weekly Payrun FPS eReturns

20 – Employee P6 DPS Notice Downloads

The total monthly on going e-Filing cost would be:

FPS eReturn (Monthly) 1st layer : 1000 x £ 0.35 = £ 350.00
FPS eReturn (Monthly) 2nd layer : 1400 x £ 0.12 = £ 168.00
FPS eReturn (Weekly) 1st layer : 1000 x £ 0.10 = £ 100.00
FPS eReturn (Weekly) 2nd layer : 500 x £ 0.06 = £ 30.00
EPS eReturn : 1 x £ 2.00 = £ 2.00
P6 DPS Download : 20 x £ 0.01 = £ 0.20
Total Cost for that month would be   £ 650.20
Price example 3:

Assuming in a particular month you have the following usage:

15,000 – Employee Monthly Payrun FPS eReturns

2,600 – Employee Weekly Payrun FPS eReturns

8,000 – Employee P9 DPS Notice Downloads

The total monthly on going e-Filing cost would be:

FPS eReturn (Monthly) 1st layer : 1000 x £ 0.35 = £ 350.00
FPS eReturn (Monthly) 2nd layer : 9000 x £ 0.12 = £ 1080.00
FPS eReturn (Monthly) 3rd layer : 5000 x £ 0.06 = £ 300.00
FPS eReturn (Weekly) 1st layer : 1000 x £ 0.10 = £ 100.00
FPS eReturn (Weekly) 2nd layer : 1600 x £ 0.06 = £ 96.00
EPS eReturn : 1 x £ 2.00 = £ 2.00
P9 DPS Download : 8000 x £ 0.01 = £ 80.00
Total Cost for that month would be   £ 2008.00

The minimum charge for using any service listed in ( 2 ) is £ 70.00 per HMRC month regardless of usage.

+ + One off non-recurring set up cost for using the service listed in ( 2 ) : £ 500 – £ 5000 (As per the Requirement)

All quotes are based on Per PAYE basis.

All prices shown exclude VAT.

( 3 ) Other RTI Services + + ( Tax Year 2021-22 )

(All RTI Charges are calculated based on the eReturns filed on a Tax Month basis)

Form Price
EPS (Employer Payment Submission) 200p (per Return)
NVR (NINO Verification Request) 2p (per employee)
P6 2p (per employee)
P9 2p (per employee)
SL1 2p (per employee)
SL2 2p (per employee)
P45 Part 1, 1A, 2 Download (Viewing / Printing) £ 5 (per employee)
P60 Download (Viewing / Printing) £ 3 (per employee)

The minimum charge for using any service listed in ( 3 ) is £ 70.00 regardless of usage.

+ + One off non-recurring set up cost for using the service listed in ( 3 ) : £ 500 – £ 5000 (As per the Requirement)

All quotes are based on Per PAYE basis.

All prices shown exclude VAT.

Notice of termination : 3 months.

( 4 ) HMRC eReturn Errors Rectification **

( 4.1 ) Employee PAYE Rectification
Current Tax Year Data Rectification - Employee
Form Price
4.1.1 Employee RTI Additional FPS Returns
Active Employee FPS - Payment Errors
Leaver Employee FPS - Omission Errors
Leaver Employee FPS - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Employee)
Past Tax Year Data Rectification - Employee
Form Price
4.1.2 Employee Year-to-Date (YTD) FPS
Active Employee - Payment Errors
Leaver Employee - Omission Errors
Leaver Employee - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Employee)
4.1.3 Employee Earlier Year Update (EYU)
Correcting Employees’ Past Year Payment Errors
Leaver Employee - Omission Errors
Leaver Employee - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Employee)
The Minimum charge for using any of the RECTIFICATION services is £ 70.00 in an HMRC Tax month.
( 4.2 ) Pensioner Payment Rectification
Current Tax Year Data Rectification - Pensioner
Form Price
4.2.1 Pensioner RTI Additional FPS Returns
Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
Correction of Flexibility Payments
Amending Death Benefit Payments
Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
Final Payment made after death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Pensioner)
Past Tax Year Data Rectification - Pensioner
Form Price
4.2.2 Pensioner Year-to-Date (YTD) FPS
Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
Correction of Flexibility Payments
Amending Death Benefit Payments
Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
Final Payment made after death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Pensioner)
4.2.3 Pensioner Earlier Year Update (EYU)
Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
Correction of Flexibility Payments
Amending Death Benefit Payments
Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
Final Payment made after death
Self Defined template
£ 5.00 (per Pensioner)
The Minimum charge for using any of the RECTIFICATION services is £ 70.00 in an HMRC Tax month.
( 4.3 ) CIS Payment Data Rectification
Current Tax Year Data Rectification
Form Price
4.3.1 Amended CIS 300 returns
£ 5.00 (per Subcontractor)
Past Tax Year Data Rectification
Form Price
4.3.2 Amended CIS 300 returns
£ 5.00 (per Subcontractor)
The Minimum charge for using any of the RECTIFICATION services is £ 70.00 in an HMRC Tax month.
( 4.4 ) EPS (Employer Payment Summary) Data Rectification
Past Tax Year Data Rectification
Form Price
4.4.1 Amended Past Year EPS (Employer Payment Summary) returns
£ 70.00 (per Employer)
The Minimum charge for using any of the RECTIFICATION services is £ 70.00 in an HMRC Tax month.

The minimum charge for using any service listed in ( 4 ) is £ 70.00 in an HMRC month regardless of usage.

** One off non-recurring On Boarding Set Up, Support cost for using the service listed in ( 4 ) £ 300.00
A Tax month starting from 6th of the month to 5th of the following month

Price Examples:
Tax month 1 you e-Filed 50 different employees / pensioner / subcontractor previous year
amended return The total cost will be 50 x £ 5 = £ 250
If on tax month 2 you e-Filed just 5 amended returns in total for that month
the cost would be £ 70 ( minimum charge applied ).
If in tax month 3 you did not e-File any amended return you would not be charged at all.

Note: The current Tax Year Payment Rectification is £ 3.00 per employee

( 5 ) Pension

Details Price
(SAS Self-Administered Scheme or APSS 301)
£ 100.00 (per Submission)
Non-Occupational Scheme:
(SIPP Self-Invested Personal Pension or APSS 313)
No. of Members Price (Annual)
01 – 500 Members £ 3.50 (per Member)
501 – 1,000 Members £ 2.00 (per Member)
1,001 – 5,000 Members £ 1.00 (per Member)
5,001 – 50,000 Members £ 0.30 (per Member)
50,001 – 500,000 Members £ 0.10 (per Member)
One off non-recurring set up cost £ 500.00
The minimum charge for using any service listed in ( 5 ) is £ 70.00 regardless of usage.

There is no additional cost for additional system users

( 6 ) iXBRL Account and CT e-Filing

6(a)   iXBRL Account to Companies house
Details Price
iXBRL Account to Companies house £ 10.00
( per company per annual return )
Annual Minimum usage charge
( payable in April each year )
£ 70.00
One off non-recurring setup cost £ 350.00
6(b)   CT600 and iXBRL Accounts to HMRC
Details Price
CT600 and iXBRL Accounts to HMRC £ 250.00
( per company )
One off non-recurring setup cost £ 350.00

( 7 ) MTD VAT and VAT 100

These will vary in accordance with your requirements.

Details Price
Set Up and Implementation: £ 300.00 - £ 3,000.00 *
* One off non-recurring cost for using the service listed in ( 7 ), ranging between £ 300.00 and £ 3,000.00,
please contact us for a quote.
Usage Costs : £ 10.00
(per VRN ^ per Return)
Minimum Charge : £ 70.00
(per month/quarter)
Price example
Price example 1:
If you have 1 VRN and your returns are sent monthly,
the cost will be £ 70.00 per month, £ 840.00 per year.

Price example 2:
If you have 9 VRN's and those returns are sent monthly,
the cost will be £ 90.00 per month, £ 1080.00 per year.

Price example 1:
If you have 1 VRN and your returns are sent quarterly,
the cost will be £ 70.00 per quarter, £ 280.00 per year.

Price example 2:
If you have 9 VRN's and those returns are sent quarterly,
the cost will be £ 90.00 per quarter, £ 360.00 per year.
Mobile MTD VAT Verification Service: FREE
VRN: VAT Registration Number

( 8 ) P11D and P46 Car

Forms Price (Annual)
P11D £ 3.00 (per employee)
P46 Car – Quarterly Returns £ 3.00 (per car)
One off non-recurring set up cost for using the service listed in ( 8 ) £ 300.00
The minimum charge for using any service listed in ( 8 ) is £ 70.00 per year

Please e-mail us your requirement and we will quote you accordingly.

E-mail :

Enquiry E-mail:

OR Tel: 020 8452 9516