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Why Free?

100% Internet Based Payroll    

Welcome to Payroo's free Internet payroll, a 100% Internet based payroll.

Yes, the packages are accredited by the HMRC.

Yes, they are free.

Yes, you can run your payroll from your office, your home, or even abroad, so long as there is an Internet connection.

Yes, the quality and stability are excellent. The development team behind it has 6 years experience and the e-filing system they have developed is not only easy to use, but also scored a 99.97% e-filing success rate. Mr. John Knight, the company Chairman and a FCA Chartered Accountant, with more than 35 years working knowledge of accounting and payroll practice, has been heavily involved in the functional design and supervision of the project. That is why it was able to pass more than 1000 accuracy accreditation tests set by the HMRC, without a single penny deviation.

We offer payroll packages for you to run the payroll yourself, or for your agents (Pay Bureau) to use to administrate their payroll services. The short note below explains why it's free. Please do tell us your comments, or e-mail your friends about this free Internet payroll.

Providing free services over the Internet and getting paid through advertisements is nothing new. This is commonly known as dot.com business. These free services do work and many of us are benefiting from them everyday, however we tend to take them for granted.

After the dot.com bubble burst the bad ones disappeared and the more serious and robust services strove on and grew.

Payroo.com believes it has an excellent payroll product for small companies to use over the Internet for free. It follows the dot.com business model and is to be funded through advertisements and other services.

The Payroo payroll software is accredited by the HMRC. It contains all the features you find in reputable payroll packages offered by other leading payroll and accounting companies, plus many extra on top.

The package is built on and modified from an engine which we have been directly involved in for the last 6 years. The e-filing engine we helped to develop scored a 99.97% success rate according to HMRC statistics. The product is not only free but is also much better than others that you have to pay for.

We are not apologetic about adopting the dot.com business model. When Yahoo and Hotmail offered e-mail services for free, people were wondered how they would make ends meet. When Dixons in the UK, the first in the world, went one step further and offered free Internet account connections, there was an even bigger stir in the market place. Many of the Dixon Free serve competitors looked on the free Internet account connection with contempt, but eventually they all came to offer the same free services themselves, otherwise they may have ended up with no business.

When the Google free search engine took the market by storm, free services became credible and respectable. When Skype became the market leader in free phone services, within a matter of months the general perception of free services changed even further. The list of Internet legends is far greater than we can detail here.

Like it or not, these days, if you have a good fully Internet based product you are expected to offer it free. Strangely enough, in the Internet world, the free services seem to grow better and be more profitable in the end.

Technology is moving and changing everything and so too are our perceptions. Free services are here to stay and grow. If our fully Internet based payroll does not quickly enter the fray by offering free services we may miss the boat.

We hope you enjoy using our free Internet payroll.

With Warmest Regards

Payroo Limited

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