HMRC eReturn Errors Rectification upto past 6 years
1 system can help you to rectify your RTI Pension Payment, Employee PAYE Payment, CIS Subcontractor Payment data errors up to past 6 years.
There are different returns and different approaches you may adopt to rectifying your RTI Pension Payment, Employee PAYE Payment, CIS Subcontractor Payment data errors by availing the services below.

RTI FPS Rectification Service to HMRC - past 6 years
You can rectify your HMRC RTI FPS errors by the approaches mentioned below
You can use RTI FPS Rectification to rectify any overpayments / omitted payments / mis-calculated payments and report to HMRC. An Active Employee errors (Current Tax Year) can be rectified using Additional FPS
You can also use it to report missed out Leaver information and also to report final payment / arrears to a leaver or an employee who expired after notifying HMRC of the leaving date.
Employee PAYE Rectification Service
1. Current Tax Year Data Rectification - Employee
Additional FPS- Active Employee FPS - Payment Errors
- Leaver Employee FPS - Omission Errors
- Leaver Employee FPS - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
- Self Defined template
2. Past Tax Year Data Rectification - Employee
Year-to-Date(YTD) FPS- Active Employee - Payment Errors
- Leaver Employee - Omission Errors
- Leaver Employee - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
- Self Defined template
- Correcting Employees’ Past Year Payment Errors
- Leaver Employee - Omission Errors
- Leaver Employee - Reporting Payments after Leaving or Death
- Self Defined template
Pensioner Payment Rectification Service
1. Current Tax Year Data Rectification - Pensioner
Additional FPS- Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
- Correction of Flexibility Payments
- Amending Death Benefit Payments
- Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
- Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
- Final Payment made after death
- Self Defined template
2. Past Tax Year Data Rectification - Pensioner
Year-to-Date(YTD) FPS- Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
- Correction of Flexibility Payments
- Amending Death Benefit Payments
- Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
- Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
- Final Payment made after death
- Self Defined template
- Amending Trivial Commutation Lump Sum (TCLS) or One-off Pension Amounts
- Correction of Flexibility Payments
- Amending Death Benefit Payments
- Corrections to Serious Ill-health payments
- Late Reporting of Death of a deceased Pension Recipient
- Final Payment made after death
- Self Defined template
CIS Payment Data Rectification Service to HMRC - past 6 years
You can rectify your HMRC CIS Subcontractor Payment errors by the approaches mentioned below
1. Current Tax Year Data Rectification
Amended CIS 300 returns2. Past Tax Year Data Rectification
Amended CIS 300 returnsEPS (Employer Payment Summary) Data Rectification to HMRC - past 6 years
You can rectify your HMRC EPS errors as mentioned below
1. Past Tax Year Data Rectification
Amended EPS returns