Sub: Changing of Additional User Email
Dear Robert Redford
Re: Changing of Additional User Email
Acknowledgement You have changed your NetPayDue Email account from to
Please take note of the following:
1. You will not be able to access the company below with the new Email
• Employer One • Employer Two
2. If you want to access the above company, you should contact your system administrator to change your Email with the steps given below. Your system administrator are below:
Company Name |
System Administrator Email |
Employer One | |
Employer Two | |
Step 1: System administrator login to their application system account.
Step 2: System administrator changes your additional user account to the new Email
Step 3: Save and Confirm
Note that if your system administrator is using the csv upload to the NetPayDue system. The system administrator has to upload your new Email to NetPayDue with the given template.
The contents of this Email are confidential for the intended recipient and must not be disclosed to or used by anyone other than the addressee. If received in error, please contact the sender, then delete this from your system.