E-File all pages MTD VAT
This will E-File all Approved MTD VAT from all the pages. Find the details below:
- You have uploaded total of: 1 returns
- Those passed the validation tests and to be e-filed are: 1 returns
- Those failed in the validation tests and will not be e-filed are: 0 returns
If you wish to go ahead please click on the Continue to E-File button,
If you are not sure you may click a back button to view whatever you have uploaded before you commit it to e-file. Once it is e-filed you can not stop it from going to HMRC.
- If you wish to remove just a few returns that passed the validation test you may do it individually.
- If you have many returns you wish to remove we recommend you to do a Remove All and upload those you want again.
- After you have successfully e-filed your return you may come back to do a Remove All to remove all the Failed in Validation items.