The money you owe to HMRC is termed as VAT liabilities.This report shows the original and outstanding amount for each VAT type. Select the VAT period and click 'Retrieve'.Your app fetches the liabilities details from HMRC and will display it to you.
Steps On how to view my VAT Liabilities:
Once you’ve signed in to your account, you’ll be taken to a page where you’ll find the e-file data for your VAT return. Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Tap on the "Liabilities" button
Step 2. A page will open that contains “Traders Name” and “VAT REG. NO".
Step 3. Under the "Traders Name" and "VAT Reg. No:", you can see an option "VAT Period - From " and "VAT Period - To".
Step 4. You’ll be able to click on the date you’d like to select by clicking on ‘VAT Period – From” and ‘Retrieve".
Step 5. After clicking on the retrieve option, it will display all the liabilties of your VAT return on one page.
Step 6. Now, you can either view it or download it.
RoadMap on how to view my Vat Liabilities: Open the E-file data of your VAT Returns -> Tap on "Liabilities" -> Select the date by clicking on "VAT Period From" and "Retrieve" -> Now you can either view or download it.
Here's a video on how to view VAT Liabilities: