The VAT returns report provides the information about the amount you have paid to HMRC in the form of tax or reimbursement money from HMRC. Choose the tax year, VAT period and then click 'Retrieve'. Your mobile app will retrieve the return details from HMRC and will display it to you .
Steps on how to retrieve VAT Returns Data :
Once you’ve signed in to the website, you’ll be taken to a page with your electronic file of your VAT return. Follow the steps below:
Step 1. Tap on the "Returns" button
Step 2. A page will open that contains all your Payment history with “Traders Name” and “VAT Reg:".
Step 3. Under the "Traders Name" and "VAT Reg. No:", you can see an option "VAT Period - From " and "VAT Period - To".
Step 4. Now, you can select on which date you want the payment history by clicking on "VAT Period - From " and "VAT Period - To" and "Retrieve".
Step 5. After clicking on retrieve, it shows all the payment details of your VAT returns on the same page.
Step 6. You can either view or download your payment history.
RoadMap on How To retrieve VAT Returns Data: Open the E-file data of your VAT Returns -> Tap on "Returns" -> Select the date by clicking on "VAT Period From" and "VAT Period To" -> Click on "Retrieve" -> Now you can either view or download your Payment history.
Here's a video on how to retrieve VAT return Details: