Where do I view/edit personal details for assistant administrator?

In order to edit your personal details, follow the steps below:

Step 1.Click on the hamburger  menu, in the top right corner of your MTDVAT application.
Step 2. Click on the submenu 'Client/Trader manager'.
Step 3. Select a client to whom you want to edit the details of assistant administrator and click on "View/Edit"
Step 4. Then, click on 'Manage assistant administartor'
Step 5. Now, click on manage user of the assistant administrator, to whom you have selected to edit their details.
Step 6. Then, click on 'View/Edit Personal details' button
Step 7. Finally, edit all the details and save you action.

RoadMap: HamBurger Menu -> Client/Trader Manager -> Select a client to edit the assistant administrator's details -> Click "View/Edit"- > Select "Manage Assistant Administrator" -> Click "Manage User." View/Edit -> Edit all details.-> Save the action.

Here's a video on how to edit the personal details of assistant administrator:

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