Action displays the various tasks associated with the data in each row. For example Save, Edit, Delete, etc.
Use this option to enable or disable Internet A/C and access right of an employee for a service.
Only Contact address and Emergency contact will be edited.
Use this option to enable or disable the access to the current internet account of an employee.
Use this option to resend the sign in detail to the user whenever you receive any request from the user. To resend the sign in details click on the resend detail link corresponding to respective employee.
A number given to an organisation working as a co-operative for the benefit of the community.
A number allocated to a registered charity.
A unique, 10 digit number that appears on each automatic enrolment letter the employer receives from the Pensions Regulator.
Enter the name of the owner or most senior accountable person at your organisation, for example, the chief executive officer or managing director rather than the person dealing with day-to-day automatic enrolment duties. This contact is likely to be a different person from your nominated contact for automatic enrolment.
A reference allocated by Companies House. It is also called as the Company registration number.
Employer's bank Account type / name will be displayed here.
The Bank's sort code will be displayed here.
Employer's bank account number will be displayed here.
Employer's bank account name will be displayed here.
Status of whether the employer has enabled BACS payment will be displayed here with yes or no.
Here you can update your building society roll no.
Checking this will enable the user to View / print reports.
Checking this will enable the user to Upload contribution data.
Checking this will enable the user to Edit Chart of Setup
Checking this will enable the user to Create additional user
Checking this will enable the user to Resend sign in details
Checking this will enable the user to Assign access rights.
Here you have to update your BACS Reference Number. If your BACS is enabled.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's P11D(b), P11D, P9D, P46(Car) PAYE Returns to HMRC.
Here you can setup the Companies House iXBRL Credentials to E-File your client's Annual Accounts etc. to Companies House.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's VAT 100 & VAT 101 returns to HMRC.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's Pension Scheme Returns to HMRC.
Here you can setup the HMRC RTI Credentials to E-File your / your client's RTI Returns to HMRC.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to download your or your clients P6, P9, SL1, SL2 etc notices using HMRC's Data Provision Services.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's CIS 300 and CIS Verifications for subcontractors tax status to HMRC.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's P11D(b), P11D, P9D, P46(Car) PAYE Returns to HMRC.
Here you can setup the HMRC E-Filing Credentials to E-File your / your client's CIS 300 and CIS Verifications for subcontractors tax status to HMRC.
Sender ID refers to the User ID that you have obtained from HMRC for E-Filing.If you do not have an ID or password, you can click here to apply for one now.
Your HMRC Agent User ID is the ID you obtained from HMRC for the purpose of signing in to the UK Government Gateway and also for e-filing your client's EOY returns. If you do not have an ID or password, you can click here to apply for one now.
Your HMRC Agent Reference is required to enroll for the PAYE Online for Agents Service at the UK Government Gateway. For more information click here
Your HMRC Agent Gateway Identifier (Agent ID) is issued by the government department that handles the service(s) for which you are enrolling as an Agent. To enable your customers to assign your business as their Agent, you need to provide them with your Gateway Agent Identifier. This is provided at the end of the enrollment process. click here
The user can Download / View Client's Ongoing Notices sent by HMRC if an employee's tax code changes during the year. Only the latest notices i.e. those which have not been downloaded before, will be downloaded. You can view/print the notices and download them in a CSV / GFF format to your local system.
The user can Download / View Client's Ongoing P9 Notices sent by HMRC if an employee's tax code changes during the year. Only the latest notices i.e. those which have not been downloaded before, will be downloaded. You can view/print the notices and download them in a CSV / GFF format to your local system.
The user can Download/ View Client's ongoing NINO & RTI notices sent by HMRC.Only the latest notices i.e. those which have not been downloaded before, will be downloaded. You can view/print the notices and download them in a CSV / GFF format to your local system.
This is an in-year form to advise you start subtracting student loan deductions from the specified employee. The SL1 Notice determines the employee and tells you to start making deductions. You must start making deductions from the first available pay day after the Student Loan deduction start date shown on the SL1 Notice.
The user can Download / View Client's Ongoing Notices data. Stop Notification form SL2 when it's time to stop making student loan deductions from an employee's pay.
The user can Download/ View Client's Expenses and benefits notices from HMRC.Only the latest notices i.e. those which have not been downloaded before, will be downloaded. You can view/print the notices and download them in a CSV / GFF format to your local system.
The user can Download/ View Client's End of Year Return notifications from HMRC.Only the latest notices i.e. those which have not been downloaded before, will be downloaded. You can view/print the notices and download them in a CSV / GFF format to your local system.
To be able to e-file VAT eReturns for your clients under MTD you must first of all create an agent MTD services account at HMRC.
The link below will take you to HMRC's website to create a MTD account
Without successfully creating a MTD agent account with HMRC you will not be able to file your return under MTD.
The MTD VAT 100 authorisation account may last for up to 18 months. After 18 months you may need to create the MTD authorisation account again.
Currently HMRC does not provide an option for Individual companies to register for MTD VAT. As a temporary alternative, individual companies who wish to e-file VAT under MTD can register themselves for an agent MTD services account with HMRC, and assign themselves as a client to e-file thier MTD VAT eReturn.
The link below is for you to create an agent MTD account with HMRC.