Leaver Administration
> Leaving date
Process Leaver P45
1. Leaving Date
2. Final PayRun
3. Draft Payslip
4. Generate P45
Please select one option and click on the yellow "Continue >" button
I have completed the final payrun for
Mr. Redford, Robert
Now I want to print
the P45 form.
This option means you have completed the final Payrun and have no other outstanding payments and/or
deductions to process for this employee. For example, redundancy payments, holiday payments, bonuses,
student loan deductions, etc. You can now proceed on to print the P45.
I have not yet completed the final payrun for
Mr. Redford, Robert
and I need to process it now.
This option means you still have outstanding payments or deductions to process for this leaver. Outstanding
payments and deductions could include, redundancy payments, holiday payments, bonuses, student loan deductions, pension, AEO etc, etc. They should all be processed before you issue the P45
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