© Copyright Intersoftware Solutions Limited.
Step 1 - Acknowledgement
Welcome Demo Employer Limited. You have successfully submitted your Sign Up details.

We are pleased to inform you that your Sign Up details have been recorded. In order to use our services, you must now complete step 2 of the Sign up process.

We have sent your User ID and the link for step 2 of the Sign up process to your E-Mail address


Please go to the above E-Mail address to collect your User ID and the link to complete the Sign Up process.

Please note that the Sign Up process of this account must be completed within the next 30 days. Failing to do this means you will have to re-create your Sign Up details again.

Your Free Usage of this Service starts from the date you "Activate" the account.

Please quote this reference no. SUERDJDHIYDPIDOMX8R4CMOR6G if you have any problems receiving the E-Mail.

Content of the Payroll Adminstartor activation mail


Mr. Robert, Redford 's Account Activation - Employer, Sign in ID DEMO1234567

Dear Mr. Robert, Redford ,

Re: Mr. Robert, Redford 's Account Activation - Employer, DEMO1234567

Welcome to our Internet Service.

In order to use our service you need to activate your account. Please click on the link below and use the User ID provided in this mail.

https:// <<< Activation link will appear here - Click here >>>

30 Day Activation Limit:
The activation code is valid for only 30 days. If you fail to activate your account within the next 30 days your account will lapse. If lapsed you will need to sign up again.

After activating your account and creating your sign in details you can proceed to sign in from our home page to begin to use our service.

Please always remember:

Our homepage is: http://www.ableinternetpayroll.com

Your User ID is: DEMO1234567

This assigned Sign-In User ID is permanent and cannot be changed and you must use it each time you sign in. However, for security reasons, we recommend you change your user Password and Pattern Word regularly. Please do keep your sign in details secure and private.

Avoid caching the home page:
Our home page and help files do update from time to time. To ensure that you are always able to view our latest home page and help files you must avoid caching our home page.

Please configure your browser as follows to avoid it being cached: Click on the Tools option of your browser. Then select Internet Options. In the General Tab, click on the Settings button. In the section titled 'Check for newer versions of stored pages', make sure the following phrase is selected: 'Every visit to the page'.

We hope you enjoy using our Internet payroll service.


Support Team,


Content of the Employee activation mail


Mr.Conyers, John 's Account Activation - Employee, Sign in ID DEMO1234567

Dear Mr.Conyers, John ,

Re: Mr.Conyers, John 's Account Activation - Employee, DEMO1234567

Welcome to our Internet Service.

In order to use our service you need to activate your account. Please click on the link below and use the User ID provided in this mail.

https:// <<< Employee Activation link will appear here - Click here >>>

30 Day Activation Limit:
The activation code is valid for only 30 days. If you fail to activate your account within the next 30 days your account will lapse. If lapsed you will need to sign up again.

After activating your account and creating your sign in details you can proceed to sign in from our home page to begin to use our service.

Please always remember:

Our homepage is: http://www.ableinternetpayroll.com

Your User ID is: DEMO1234567

This assigned Sign-In User ID is permanent and cannot be changed and you must use it each time you sign in. However, for security reasons, we recommend you change your user Password and Pattern Word regularly. Please do keep your sign in details secure and private.

Avoid caching the home page:
Our home page and help files do update from time to time. To ensure that you are always able to view our latest home page and help files you must avoid caching our home page.

Please configure your browser as follows to avoid it being cached: Click on the Tools option of your browser. Then select Internet Options. In the General Tab, click on the Settings button. In the section titled 'Check for newer versions of stored pages', make sure the following phrase is selected: 'Every visit to the page'.

We hope you enjoy using our Internet payroll service.


Support Team,


Content of the User activation mail


Mr.Conyers, John 's Account Activation - Additional User, Sign in ID DEMO1234567

Dear Mr.Conyers, John ,

Re: Mr.Conyers, John 's Account Activation - Additional User, DEMO1234567

Welcome to our Internet Service.

In order to use our service you need to activate your account. Please click on the link below and use the User ID provided in this mail.

https:// <<< User Activation link will appear here - Click here >>>

30 Day Activation Limit:
The activation code is valid for only 30 days. If you fail to activate your account within the next 30 days your account will lapse. If lapsed you will need to sign up again.

After activating your account and creating your sign in details you can proceed to sign in from our home page to begin to use our service.

Please always remember:

Our homepage is: http://www.ableinternetpayroll.com

Your User ID is: DEMO1234567

This assigned Sign-In User ID is permanent and cannot be changed and you must use it each time you sign in. However, for security reasons, we recommend you change your user Password and Pattern Word regularly. Please do keep your sign in details secure and private.

Avoid caching the home page:
Our home page and help files do update from time to time. To ensure that you are always able to view our latest home page and help files you must avoid caching our home page.

Please configure your browser as follows to avoid it being cached: Click on the Tools option of your browser. Then select Internet Options. In the General Tab, click on the Settings button. In the section titled 'Check for newer versions of stored pages', make sure the following phrase is selected: 'Every visit to the page'.

We hope you enjoy using our Internet payroll service.


Support Team,
