Your Sign In ID |
the 3rd and 5th letters
of your Pattern Word |
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Your Date Of Birth |
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D |
D |
M |
M |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Y |
Your Security Question |
What is the name of your first school? |
Your Answer |
Final Confirmation: 60%+ of our support
calls are from users who have forgotten their Sign In details.
The whole sign up process has been designed to help you to
remember all the items required for Sign In. If you cannot
remember any one of the required Sign In items, please click
on the "Forgot Sign In Item(s)" link below to re-create
them. Any re-created items such as password, pattern word,
security question and answer will automatically overwrite
the previous forgotten ones. From now onwards you must use
these latest re-created items to Sign In. Sorry for sounding
repetitive, however we hope you appreciate the reason behind
this exercise. |