Start New Tax Year Information: You are currently in the tax year 2018 - 19. You will be able to start the new tax year on the date show below : 20th of May 2017
Under HMRC arrangements, the P11D Expense and Benefits tax year starts later than the payroll tax year.
Option 1 : To start the new tax year 2018 - 19 you first need to complete the P11D, P9D, P11D(b) approval process. Please click here to continue with the P11D, P9D, P11D(b) approval process.
Option 2 : My current tax year data is just test data which I entered to learn how to use the package. I do not wish to submit this data to HMRC. I would like to move to the new tax year immediately. Please click here to start the new tax year now.