RTI E-Filing

Real Time Information (RTI) E-Filing

This section will help you to verify and move you to Real Time Information (RTI) from your current End-of-Year (EOY) Scheme. Employers will receive a separate invitation from HMRC to join RTI for each PAYE Scheme that they operate. Each invitation will contain an “On-boarding Date” – this is the date after which the employer is requested to send their first RTI submission for a specific PAYE Scheme.

Before proceeding with the approval of moving over to Real Time Information (RTI) . Please ensure that you have met all the criteria asked below.

Please confirm that you have . . . Yes No
Received HMRC's invitation containing the “On-boarding Date”
Completed the payrun and updated YTD for the periods until the “On-boarding Date”
E-filed all your outstanding P45 or P46 until the “On-boarding Date”. If you do have any outstanding P45 or P46 to e-file, please e-file them first and then start the process again.
E-filed your previous tax year END OF YEAR (EOY) return, if any