Employee Payment Details

Month 10
Current Period

Period Month 10 ( 06-12-20 to 05-01-21 )

Current Tax Year
Employer Name Demo Client Ltd. - 3 PAYE Ref. 067 / V30456
Employee Name Amount
To Pay (£)
Bank Name Sort Code Account No. Payment
Date & Time Authorised By
E012 Gary, Morrison 1875.83 HSBC 123467 12345689 FULLY PAID 06/06/2020 15:45:18 Robert Redford
E010 Christina, Boyle 1799.93 Natwest 123465 12345687 FULLY PAID 05/06/2020 10:11:34 Julia Roberts
E007 Caroline, Dyke 1689.53 NationalWide 123462 12345684 FULLY PAID 05/06 14:06:34 Robert Redford
E004 Harrison, Ford 1687.20 Natwest 123457 12345679 FULLY PAID 01/05 09:33:40 Julia Roberts
E011 Calla, Black 1517.03 Natwest 123466 12345688 FULLY PAID 21/04 00:03:20 Julia Roberts
E003 Clint, Eastwood 1487.20 HSBC 123456 12345678 FULLY PAID 01/05 20:05:10 Robert Redford
E005 Goldie, Hawn 1414.91 Natwest 123460 12345682 FULLY PAID 21/04 00:03:20 Robert Redford
E008 Geri, Halliwell 1151.33 Barclays 123463 12345685 FULLY PAID 01/05 20:05:10 Robert Redford
E015 Audery, Hepburn 1079.23 Natwest 123470 12345692 FULLY PAID 21/04 00:03:20 Robert Redford
  Total 13702.19