© Copyright Intersoftware Solutions Limited
eStatement Sign up

Validation error(s) occured. Please correct all error(s) below and resubmit.

Demo Contractor Ltd has invited you to view and print their CIS300 Payment and Deduction due to you over the internet.

Please follow the following steps to create an account.

1.  Enter the first 5 digit of your UTR number. The last 5 UTR digit has
     already given to you.

2.  If the last 5 digit of the UTR number is not yours or the company name
     is not matching your company you must click the reject and report the error.

3.  Once the account is activated you can sign in with the given USER ID
     given below. Once you sign in the account you will be able to view and print
     all your CIS300 Payment and Deduction from all the Contractors you deal
     with who use www.eFileReady.in system.

Complete your Contractor UTR No.* :  56643  

• Records does not match. Please re-enter the
first five numbers of Contractor UTR No. and click Confirm.
Your (Company) Name : Demo Subcontractor Limited
I confirm that my (Company) information above is CORRECT
I confirm that the information above is NOT CORRECT

Warning : If the information above does not relate to you or your company you must not click on the Confirm button, instead click on the Reject button. It is illegal and a serious criminal offense to claim false identity and try to access other peoples data.
Your Sign In ID* :