> Upload Accounting For Tax CSV File
Upload Accounting For Tax CSV File
Upload Accounting For Tax CSV File
Step 1 - Please ensure that your Accounting for Tax data for eFiling is in a CSV file format. Also, please complete the DIT Pension Efile Setup with Scheme Administrator / Practitioner Details.
Step 2 -
Pension Company
Click Browse to Upload Pension Company CSV file.
Step 3 -
Authorised Surplus
Click Browse to Upload Authorised Surplus CSV file.
Step 4 -
Lifetime Allowance
Click Browse to Upload Lifetime Allowance CSV file.
Step 5 - Your own CSV File Reference
Step 6 -
I declare that to the best of my knowledge and belief, the information given in this tax return is correct and complete.
I understand that if I have made a false statement on this tax return, I may be liable to a penalty, and that false statements may also lead to prosecution.
Warning :
Please note - it will take
about 3 minutes
, depending on the quantity of data, to complete the uploading and validating process. Please do not click on any Tasking Zone button during this time. If you do the file upload will be aborted.