Upload Pension Return (Occupational) CSV File

Upload Pension Return (Occupational) CSV File
Step 1 - Ensure that you have prepared your Pension Return (Occupational) spreadsheet document and have saved them in a CSV file format ready to be uploaded. If you have not done this please go back to download the Pension Return (Occupational) spreadsheet document from "Download Spreadsheet" in the Tasking Zone. Also, please complete the DIT Pension Efile Setup with Scheme Administrator / Practitioner Details.
Step 2 - Pension Return (Occupational)
Click Browse to Upload Pension Return (Occupational) CSV file.
Step 3 - Your own CSV File Reference
Step 4 - Declaration
I declare that the content of this tax return has been approved by the Scheme Administrator.
I declare that the Scheme Administrator has authorised me to submit this tax return .

Warning : Please note - it will take about 3 minutes, depending on the quantity of data, to complete the uploading and validating process. Please do not click on any Tasking Zone button during this time. If you do the file upload will be aborted.