Bulk Print ITR-3 Report
Bulk Print Form ITR-3 on a Plain Paper Bulk Print on Pre-Printed Form ITR-3
Bulk Print ITR-3 on Plain A4 Paper Bulk Print on ITR-3 Single sheet (shortened version) - Portrait
  Bulk Print on ITR-3 Continuous (shortened version) - Portrait
  Bulk Print on ITR-3 LaserSheet - Landscape 
  Bulk Print on ITR-3 LaserSheet - Portrait

 Please follow the instructions below to print onto the DIT pre-printed stationery

1.  In the Print Dialog box, under the "Page Handling" section, select "None" from the Page Scaling drop down list.

The page should be printed as it is, i.e., the Page Scaling should be 100%. So please disable any Page Scaling settings such as reducing / shrinking or enlarging the page.

2.  Disable (uncheck) the option "Auto Rotate and Center"


3.  Go to the Printer "Properties" and select the correct paper size "A4".

4.  Select the appropriate orientation option either "Portrait" or "Landscape" depending on the report and pre-printed stationery you want to print on to.

5.  Now insert the pre-printed stationery form correctly into the printer tray and click " OK " to print.


Note: If you are still having problems please download and install the latest FREE version of Adobe Reader.

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