> Add New Employee > Employee NI & PAYE Tax Details
Add New Employee
1. Essential Details
2. NI & Tax Details
3. Optional Details
Employee NI Details
) = required fields.
Employee's NINo
Employee's NI Category
A - Standard Rate Contribution
B - Reduced Rate Contribution
C - Employer Only Contribution(Pensioners)
D - Standard Rate Contracted Out Contribution(COSR)
E - Reduced Rate Contracted Out Contribution(COSR)
L - Employer Only Contracted-Out Contributions(Deferment COSR)
F - Standard Rate Contracted-Out Contributions(COMP)
G - Reduced Rate Contracted-Out Contributions(COMP)
S - Employer Only Contracted-Out Contributions(Deferment COMP)
J - Deferred Contributions
X - Zero Rated
Employee PAYE Tax Details
( Please choose the appropriate option )
Existing employee migrating from other package or manual system.
New employee with a form P45(3) from a previous employer.
New employee without a form P45(3) and requires a form P46.
New Employee who does have a P45(3) and promises to hand it to you later, or for very short term casual workers, or for qualified students, or for employees working outside the UK.