© Copyright Intersoftware Solutions Limited.
Payment Collection
Pay by Cheque / BACs

Pay by Cheque:
Please always quote the invoice number as: 2007AB123
The amount is £ 70.50
Cheque Payable to: Able Internet Payroll Ltd
Please send the cheque to : 19, Claremont Road, Bangalore NW2 1BP

Pay by BACs:
Please always quote the invoice number as: 2007AB123
The amount is : £ 70.50
The beneficiary is: Able Internet Payroll Ltd
The sort code is: 12-34-56
The bank account is: Demo Bank Ltd.

Why does it cost more for paying us by cheque or BACs?
There is a manual intervention required in updating your payment if you pay us by cheque or by BACs. ie we need to update the system that you paid manually. Where as when we pay us by credit card the system does it all automatically on line without additional manpower intervention.