RTI E-Filing

Confirm switch to RTI from EOY

Please enter the “On-boarding Date” below and enter your User Sign-in password to confirm to switch to the RTI from your current EOY. The RTI E-Filing option will be enabled from the entered RTI On-boarding Date.

Important Note : Once you click on the yellow coloured "Confirm" button, you will be switched to RTI and will not be able to switch back to the EOY.

On-boarding Date  Date of Birth
Your Acting Capacity Employer
Enter User Sign In Password 
(Sign In Password)
Date and Time  

I understand that once I have swtiched to RTI I will NOT be able
to e-file my previous tax year EOY 14 and P35 returns. I undertake to complete
my previous tax year END OF YEAR return, if any, before I start my RTI.

( Please tick to confirm )

