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Step 2 - Create Employee User Sign In Details

Your Employer has enabled your Internet Payroll Internet Account, which allows you amongst other things, to view your payslips online. To proceed with the Sign Up process please enter your Employee User Sign In ID, which was sent to you by E-Mail, the E-Mail address used for this service and your date of birth.

Please follow the following steps to create an account.

1.  Enter your Date of Birth,

2.  Please also check that your name is correct, If your name is not correct you must click the reject button and report the error,

3.  Once the account is activated you can sign in with the SIGN IN ID sent to you.

Your Sign In ID * :
Your Date Of Birth * :

Your Name : Clint Eastwood
I confirm that my information above is CORRECT
I confirm that the information above is NOT CORRECT

Warning : If the information above does not relate to you or your company you must not click on the Confirm button, instead click on the Reject button. It is illegal and a serious criminal offense to claim false identity and try to access other peoples data.