Close Account


Close Account with Free Data Access

No charge will be made once you close your account by entering your password below, subject to the following conditions:

  1. Full access to view and download any of your past 6 years data will be given FREE.
  2. If you use the account for making FPS and EPS return you will have to pay the normal user price published at our website.
  3. To allow you to continue to access your past 6 years data you must log in each tax year to move your account to the new tax year in each new tax year.
  4. Moving your account from one tax year to the next is FREE, with free support.
  5. If you fail to move your account to a new tax year your data will be frozen after 20 months.
  6. To reinstate a frozen account will cost £200 plus VAT
Please enter your password below to confirm if you wish to close your account or click back button to cancel this function.
Reason for Closure
( 200 Characters )
Enter User Sign-in Password to confirm