
Confirmation of your Right To Be Forgotten


Please be advised that your account is now ceased.

What to Do Next:
  1. If you have Exercised your Right to be Forgotten accidentally / want to reverse the process, there is a 2 week security buffer before the account is fully closed. Please click on the " Reverse Exercising your Right to be Forgotten " button or log into your account before date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:40 to reverse the process.

  2. If you later wish to cancel the Right to be Forgotten, log into your account to reverse the Right to be Forgotten (RTF) before date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:40 to reverse the process.

  3. If you intend to cease your account with us through Right to be Forgotten, no action is required. By date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:41, your account will be permanently ceased, with no data accessible. You can now click on " Home " button to go out of the Application.






Content of requesting account closure Mail sent to the Client E-Mail ID


Dear Mr.Robert, Redford,

Re: Confirmation of Exercising The Right To Be Forgotten

This email serves to confirm that you have successfully exercised your Right to be Forgotten, permanently ceasing your account with Payroll/NPD system on date: 10/01/2024 at time: 09:33:40 from IP No.:

What Happens Next:

  1. If you did not exercise the Right to Be Forgotten, log into your account before date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:40 to reverse the process.

  2. If you have a change of heart and wish to cancel the Right to be Forgotten, log into your account before date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:40 to reverse the process.

  3. If you intend to cease your account with Payroll/NPD through RTF, no action is required. By date: 24/01/2024 time: 09:33:41, the account will be permanently ceased, with no data accessible.

Note that once the account is ceased through Right to Be Forgotten, all data in the account will be irreversible.


Support Team,
