Start New Tax Year - P11D ( Carry Forward Benefits )

If you have any one or more of the following benefits we can carry forward the data for you to the new tax year. Please choose the appropriate option and then click on Continue > to start the new tax year.

The benefits whose data can be carried forward are:
  D Living accommodation
  F Cars and Fuel
  G Vans
  H Interest-free and low interest loans
  I Private medical treatment or insurance
  K Services supplied
  L Assets placed at the employee's disposal

Please choose the appropriate option
YES, please carry forward the above indicated current tax year data, if any, to the new tax year.
NO, please do not carry forward any current tax year data to the new tax year.

Important Note:
1. 'Carry Forward' means we will move all the above listed benefits data, whose end dates are either stated as 5th April or not given, to the new tax year. If no end date is given we will assume the end date is 5th April and will calculate the current tax year benefit accordingly.

2. Removal of unwanted benefit data records: When the new tax year starts you should remove any carried forward data which is no longer needed. If you do not remove the unwanted benefit records, they will be automatically calculated in the new tax year.