First select an Employee and assign benefits
Current Employees Former Employees
Former Employee Name Works No. Select
George MacDonald 005
Andy Gilroy 006
Gary Morrison 007
Harrison Ford 010
Linda Whitty 011
Peter Thornton 012
Christina Boyle 003
Geri Halliwell 004
Benefit Types
Assign Benefits
A Assets transferred (cars, property, goods or other assets)
B Payments made on behalf of employee
C Vouchers or credit cards
D Living accommodation
E Mileage allowance and passenger payments
FCars and Fuel
GVans and Fuel
H Interest-free and low interest loans
I Private medical treatment or insurance
J Qualifying relocation expenses payments and benefits
K Services supplied
L Assets placed at the employee's disposal
M Other items (including subscriptions and professional fees)
NExpenses payments made to, or on behalf of, the employee