What to do Next |
You have succesfully entered the employee's PAYE Tax Details.
You can choose any one of the following actions.
- Complete P45(3) / P46 Details :
If the P45 Part 3 or P46 details are not known at this stage and if you would like to enter the details later, Go to Employee module in the Tasking Zone, select View/Edit option corresponding to the respective employee and click on P45(3) / P46 Details button where you can enter his details.
- Process Payrun with updated Tax details :
For Qualified Students, Short Term Casual Workers and Employees working OUTSIDE the UK you can still continue to process their pay by clicking on the PayRun in the Tasking Zone and select the corresponding pay frequency option.
- Switch to any other function :
If you wish to switch to any other function please click on the above Tasking Zone button. Click for a 