Works No. / Payroll ID |
0001 |
Employee Name |
Redford, Robert |
NINo |
NR123456A |
To enable employee's Internet Self Service (to access Payslip, P60 etc.) you may fill in the "Employee Email for Internet Self Service (Payslip, etc.)" field. Once you enter the Email address it will trigger an invitation Email to the employee to sign up for the service. Otherwise please ignore it. To Email your employee's payslip, P60, AE Comm. letters etc as an attachment fill in the "Employee Email for Emailing & Mobile (Payslip, etc.)" field. Option for the employee to Sign up for a Mobile Payslip and Communicator will be sent out along with the Email. |
I have checked and I am satisfied that the user request for changing of the user email matches the true identity of the person concerned. I take full responsibility to change the user email that I have personally verified. |