<% msgFrom = Request.Form("From") msgFromId = Request.Form("From2") bodyMessage = Request.Form("Body") 'message content txtmsg = "
From : " & msgFrom & vbcrLf & "
Sender's E Mail : " & msgFromId & vbcrLf & vbcrLf & "

"& bodyMessage 'Response.Write txtmsg '################ CDONTS mail component ########################### Set Mailer = Server.CreateObject("CDONTS.Newmail") Mailer.MailFormat = 0 Mailer.BodyFormat = 0 Mailer.From = Request.Form("From") 'Mailer.To = "madhoshk@hotmail.com" Mailer.To = "support@ableinternetpayroll.com" Mailer.Subject = "Able Payroll - Feedback" Mailer.Body = txtmsg Mailer.Send Set Mailer = NOTHING %>
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